Características de rendimiento de la máquina niveladora de placas de acero

1. The transmission device is the same as the frequency converter (circulation control) and can be synchronized with the punching machine for balanced feeding. Two-stage leveling. During the coil leveling process, (both ends-tail end), there is no need to adjust the leveling in the middle, which can ensure the same flatness. Due to the different curvatures of the materials, a single straightening roll arrangement cannot meet the requirements of high-precision straightening. The STL series originally adopts large row pitch rough straightening, small row pitch fine straightening, and different layout straightening concepts. Coarse straightening makes the coil produce a single curved arc and then corrects it with fine straightening, so as to meet the customer's requirements for stamping. The leveling wheels and straightening auxiliary wheels of this machine are made of imported SUJ2 and heat treated HRC60. Post-grinding, then hard chromium plating and post-grinding processing to ensure the uniformity of the hard chromium layer and the shape tolerance of each shaft. The coarse and fine leveling adjustment of this machine adopts a floating four-point balance fine-tuning device, with a dial indicator, which can quickly find the leveling point. This machine adopts universal joint transmission and full gear transmission, which is suitable for those with high straightening accuracy requirements. product. The whole machine adopts high-precision bearings, and is equipped with a lubrication system, which has a long service life. The whole machine is very durable and will not cause any harm to the product.

2. The upper and lower auxiliary rollers are fixed, which improves the rigidity of the upper and lower wheels and prevents deformation under force. A máquina niveladora de placas de acero with high precision, high speed and long service life suitable for the leveling of thin plate materials. As we all know, it is impossible to produce a good product without the coil material being leveled and stress relieved. Therefore, the performance of the máquina niveladora de placas de acero plays a key role in the production. The leveling adjustment of the precision máquina niveladora de placas de acero adopts a floating four-point balance fine-tuning device with a dial indicator to quickly find the leveling point. The máquina niveladora de placas de acero adopts universal joint transmission and triple gear full transmission, which is suitable for products with high straightening accuracy requirements. Steel plate leveling machine's leveling wheel and straightening auxiliary wheel are all made of imported SUJ2, heat-treated HRC60. Post-grinding, then hard chromium plating and post-grinding processing to ensure the uniformity of the hard chromium layer and the shape tolerance of each shaft.

3. Además del rodillo enderezador, la adición de la rueda guía tiene un efecto de rodadura en el material para mejorar aún más la precisión. Toda la máquina adopta rodamientos de alta precisión y está equipada con un sistema de lubricación para prolongar su vida útil. Cada rueda niveladora de la máquina niveladora de placas de acero está equipado con una rueda auxiliar niveladora para garantizar que no se doble ni deforme durante el proceso de producción, mejorando así la calidad de planitud del producto. Los rodillos auxiliares superior e inferior son fijos, lo que mejora la rigidez de las ruedas superior e inferior y evita la deformación bajo fuerza. El mecanismo de transmisión de tres superposiciones más adopta una transmisión sincrónica e independiente de cada rodillo nivelador para reducir la transmisión debida a un solo grupo de engranajes.


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